SSH (Secure SHell)

This section explains Robottelo’s ssh module.


Robottelo uses ssh extensively to access remote servers. Functions from robottello.ssh make ssh access easier and are explained on next sections.


SSHCommandResult represents the result of a ssh command. It holds stdout on attribute with same name. stderr and return_code are available the same way. An example of typical result is presented bellow:

    stdout=['Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)', ''],

Attribute output_format can be None, csv or json. The former two options are heavily used to define output format on Hammer CLI.

Main Functions

command is the main function of ssh module. Its full signature is:

def command(cmd, hostname=None, output_format=None, username=None,
            password=None, key_filename=None, timeout=10):
    """Executes SSH command(s) on remote hostname."""

Most of parameters can be read from file. So in a properly configured project commands can be easily executed on host. The function returns a SSHCommandResult instance. The following code was executed to generate the example of first section of this document:

>>> from robottelo import ssh
>>> print(ssh.command('cat /etc/redhat-release'))
    stdout=['Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)', ''],

Another important function is execute_command. It is similar to command. But it reuses an existing connection. So several commands can be executed on a single connection, saving resources and execution time:

with ssh.get_connection(..) as connection:
    ssh.execute_command('cp /orign /destiny', connection)
    ssh.execute_command('chmod 0777 /destiny', connection)
    ssh.execute_command("echo 'foo' > /destiny/bar")

Helper Functions

The module provide some helper functions which use command internally for common ssh operations:

  • add_authorized_key: Add public key to remote authorized keys;

  • upload_file: Upload file to remote host;

  • download_file: Download file from remote host;

  • is_ssh_pub_key: Validate public key.