
This section explains Robottelo Management Commands.


Robottelo uses manage and click for its management commands, the commands are accessible via console using the $ manage. To see a list of all available commands run $ manage --help.

The command manager specification is located at robottelo/manage.yml and it is easy to add new commands to framework by creating new functions or click commands and referring on manage.yml file.

There are commands to open an interactive shell, interact with UI browser, API and other utilities.


To play with the management commands you need to install robottelo’s additional requirements which includes the manage library and also is recommended to have iPython installed:

$ cd robottelo
$ make pyc-clean
$ pip install ipython
$ pip install -r -U requirements-optional.txt


The Interactive Shell is useful to test robottelo’s functions and entities, you can change code and all changes are automatically reloaded into shell so no need to restart the shell or reload the modules.

If ipython is installed your shell will be opened using ipython but it is also possible to use –bpython, –ptpython or bare –python as console.

To check the shell options run:

$ manage shell --help

And to open the shell:

$ manage shell

Assuming you have ipython installed you will see a console like:

(robottelo_env)[you@host robottelo]$ manage shell
Python 2.7.11 (default, Jul  8 2016, 19:45:00)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 5.0.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

Welcome to Robottelo Interactive shell
    Auto imported: ['rt', 'nailgun', 'settings', 'robottelo', 'ng', 'entities', 'locators']

In [1]: rt.ssh.command('uname -r')
2016-09-16 13:54:57 - robottelo.ssh - DEBUG - Connected to []
Out[1]: SSHCommandResult(stdout=['3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64', ''], stderr='', return_code=0, output_format=None)
In [2]: exit

This is the Robottelo’s interactive shell welcome screen and you can see some most commonly used objects are auto_imported saving you time.

Also the settings object is loaded and configured, so you have a ready to use environment to play with robottelo features.

ui browse

In the subgroup ui you can find the browse command which opens the same interactive shell but it also opens a new browser instance and gives you the context to play with this.

The interaction with the ui browser is done trough the session object, and the opened browser uses the configuration from your file.

Open a new REPL connected to a browser session:

(robottelo_env)[you@host robottelo]$ manage ui browse
2016-09-16 14:00:42 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - newSession:  {'desiredCapabilities': {'platform': 'ANY', 'browserName': 'chrome', 'version': '', 'chromeOptions': {'args': [], 'extensions': []}, 'javascriptEnabled': True}}

Welcome to Robottelo Interactive shell
    Auto imported: ['rt', 'nailgun', 'settings', 'robottelo', 'ng', 'entities', 'host', 'session', 'current_browser', 'locators', 'ui_factory', 'api_factory', 'browser']

In [1]: session.browser
Out[1]: <robottelo.ui.browser.Chrome (session="0968e34f29e2c3208554ada58023fa4f")>

In [2]: session.nav.go_to_users()
2016-09-16 14:01:15 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - mouseMoveTo:  {'element': '0.8036987570003233-1'}

In [3]:
2016-09-16 14:01:46 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - clickElement:  {'id': '0.12969267888817115-2'}

In [4]: session.ui.user.assign_value(locators.locators.users.username, "my_username")
2016-09-16 14:02:13 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - sendKeysToElement:  {'id': '0.12969267888817115-3', 'value': 'my_username'}

In [5]: exit
2016-09-16 14:05:46 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - logout
2016-09-16 14:05:46 - robottelo.ui.browser - DEBUG - Close Browser

While you interact wth the UI using the helpers as the ones in the exemple above you see your browser window changing interactively, if you prefer to use a docker browser it is possible to connect via VNC or get screenshots calling session.browser.save_screenshot()

It is also possible to open the browse session in specific page if you specify the entity name

# opens the session with browser already in users page
(robottelo_env)[you@host robottelo]$ manage ui browse user

# create user using factory
In [1]:  session.ui.make_user(username="my_username")