Code Standards


In order to provide a code base that is easy to maintain, as well as easy to contribute to, Robottelo has adopted a set of code standards that all contributors are held to. Violations to our strictly held standards will result in a rejected pull request until all violations have been resolved. While not adhering to our recommended standards isn’t a show stopper, keeping to them will help our code base to stay great!

Strictly Held


  • Robottelo uses the code formatting tool called ‘black’.

  • This tool will handle the general formatting regarding indentation and others.

  • In general, if black makes a change to your code, that is what we also desire.

  • Our CI checks that each pull request is black compliant, so make sure it is run via pre-commit hook or manually before submitting a pull request.


  • All code will be linted to black-compatible PEP8 standards using flake8.

  • In the root of the Robottelo directory, run flake8 .

  • If flake8 returns errors, make corrections before submitting a pull request.

  • pre-commit configuration is available, and its use is strongly encouraged in local development.


  • Every class, method and function will have a sphinx formatted docstring.

  • Docstring will also contain testimony and sphinx directives, as appropriate.

    • testimony docstrings are specific to foreman tests, so every test in tests/foreman/* should have the testimony tags.

  • In the root of the Robottelo directory, run make test-docstrings to ensure you did not miss adding a docstring.


  • Use string methods instead of the string module.

  • Use f-strings for string formatting whenever possible.

  • Use the string’s format method when an f-string would become too complex.

  • When using format, leave out indices, unless absolutely necessary (e.g. variable re-use).

    • Keyword vs positional index preference is up to the reviewers.

Examples ::code:

simple_example = f'This is a {simple_var} example'
moderate_example = f'{some_var}: {some_func(arg="foo")}'
multi_line_example = f'You can also do {"larger"} '
    'f-strings. Only using the f notation when a '
    f'string requires it like this one: {some_func()}'

complex_formatting = 'This {} contains both {} and {}'.format(
    ' '.join(['a', 'non-trivial list', 'converted to', 'a', 'string'])
indices_needed = (
    'this {var1} is a {var1} that has the {var2} {var1} {var3}'.format(
        var1='sentence', var2='word', var3='multiple times'


Variable names must follow the standards below in addition to Python’s own language requirements for valid variable names.

  • module_name

  • method_name

  • function_name

  • instance_variable_name

  • local_variable_name

  • function_parameter_name

  • ClassName

  • ExceptionName


  • _private_method

  • _private_variable

  • _PrivateClass

Furthermore, when writing fixtures, make their scope clear at the beginning of the fixture function’s name. An unspecified scope is assumed to be function-level

  • org

  • module_org

  • session_org

Read More!

Python Style Guide

pre-commit Tutorial

Code Like a Pythonista


Compile a list of standards used by the Robottelo team

Categorize each standard into how strictly they are enforced