
Module Contents



Represents ReportPortal





robottelo.report_portal.portal.launch_types = ['satellite6', 'upgrades']
class robottelo.report_portal.portal.ReportPortal

Represents ReportPortal

This holds the properties and functions to interact with Report Portal properties and launches

statuses = ['failed', 'passed', 'skipped', 'interrupted', 'in_progress']
property api_url(self)

Super url of report portal :returns: Base url for API request

property headers(self)

The headers for Report Portal Requests. :returns: header for API request

_format_launches(self, launches)

The pretty formatter function that formats launches in a structured way


launches (filter) – Satellite or Upgrade Type launches

Returns dict

Launches, keyed with their snap_versions formatted as, {‘snap_version1’:launch_object1, ‘snap_version2’: launch_object2}


The launch GET requester to fetch the all available launches of ReportPortal

Returns dict

The json of all RP launches

launches(self, sat_version=None, launch_type='satellite6')

Returns launches in Report Portal customized by sat_version, launch_type and latest number of launches sorted by latest sat version/snap version.

This does not includes each tests data for all tests in all launches, but it includes just an overview data for all and each launch in Report Portal

  • sat_version (str) – The satellite version If its not specified, then latest count of launches of satellite versions returned

  • launch_type (str) – Either satellite6 or upgrades, default returns only non-upgrade launches

Returns dict

The launches of Report portal. if sat_version is given, `{'snap_version1':launch_object1, 'snap_version2':launch_object2}` else, `{'sat_version1':{'snap_version1':launch_object1, ..}, 'sat_version2':{}}`

launch(self, sat_version, snap_version=None, launch_type='satellite6')

Returns a specific launch data in Report Portal Project

This does not includes each tests data in launch

  • sat_version (str) – The satellite version

  • snap_version (str) – The snap version of a given satellite version if None, the latest launch data of a given sat_version is returned

  • launch_type (str) – Either satellite6 or upgrades, default returns only non-upgrade launches

Returns dict

The data directory of requested or latest launch

class robottelo.report_portal.portal.Launch(rp, launch_info)

Sets satellite and snap version attributes of a launch

_test_params(self, status, defect_type, user)

Customise parameters for Test items API request

Returns dict

The parameters dict for API test items request

_test_requester(self, params, page)

The Test Items GET requester to fetch the data on a page

If any error and before Failing explicitly, it retries for 3 times with 10 seconds delay

Returns tuple (int, list)

Total pages count and the list of tests along with each tests properties in a page

tests(self, status=None, defect_type=None, user=None)

Returns tests data customized by kwargs parameters.

This is a main function that will be called to retrieve the tests data of a particular test status or/and defect_type

  • status (str) – Filter tests of a launch with tests status

  • defect_type (str) – Filter tests of a launch with tests defect_type

Returns dict

All filtered tests dict based on params data keyed by test name and test properties as value, in format - `{'test_name1':test1_properties_dict, 'test_name2':test2_properties_dict}`