
Manage RH products repositories and custom repositories.

The main purpose of this feature is to manage product repositories especially the RH one in the context of a special distro and cdn settings.

The repository data creation became transparent when supplying only the target distro.

Example Usage:

We know that sat tool key = ‘rhst’

Working with generic repos.

Generic repos has no way to guess the custom repo url in case of settings.cdn = false , that why the GenericRHRepo without custom url always return cdn repo data:

sat_repo = GenericRHRepository(key=PRODUCT_KEY_SAT_TOOLS)
print(sat_repo.cdn) >> True
# today the default distro is rhel7
print(sat_repo.distro)  >> rhel7
print( >>
'arch': 'x86_64',
'cdn': True,
'product': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
'releasever': None,
'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64',
'repository-id': 'rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms',
'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)'

# Generic CDN RH repository with specific distro "DISTRO_RHEL6"
sat_repo = GenericRHRepository(

print(sat_repo.distro) >> rhel6
print(   >>
'arch': 'x86_64',
'cdn': True,
'product': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
'releasever': None,
'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 for RHEL 6 Server RPMs x86_64',
'repository-id': 'rhel-6-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms',
'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 6 Server) (RPMs)'

# Generic RH repository with custom url
sat_repo = GenericRHRepository(
    key=PRODUCT_KEY_SAT_TOOLS, url='')

# because default settings.cdn=False and we have a custom url
print(sat_repo.cdn) >> False
print(sat_repo.distro) >> rhel7
print( >>
{'cdn': False, 'url': ''}

# Generic RH repository with custom url and force cdn
sat_repo = GenericRHRepository(
print( >>
'arch': 'x86_64',
'cdn': True,
'product': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
'releasever': None,
'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64',
'repository-id': 'rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms',
'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)'

# We have created a SatelliteToolsRepository that automatically detect it's
# custom url in settings, so there no need to explicitly initialise with
# url, simply the distro is needed (in case of specific one), otherwise
# the default distro will be used.

# SatelliteToolsRepository RH repo use settings urls and cdn
sat_repo = SatelliteToolsRepository()
print(sat_repo.cdn) >> False
print(sat_repo.distro) >> rhel7
print( >>
'cdn': False,
# part of the url was hidden
'url': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Tools_6_3_RHEL7/custom/'

# SatelliteToolsRepository RH repo use settings urls with 'force cdn')
sat_repo = SatelliteToolsRepository(cdn=True)
print(sat_repo.cdn >> True
print(sat_repo.distro >> rhel7
print( >>
'arch': 'x86_64',
'cdn': True,
'product': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
'releasever': None,
'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 for RHEL 7 Server RPMs x86_64',
'repository-id': 'rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms',
'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 7 Server) (RPMs)'

# we can also indicate the distro, the same as for the generic one the
# data will be switched for that distro

# Working with RepositoryCollection using the default distro
repos_collection = RepositoryCollection(

repos_collection.distro >> None
repos_collection.repos_data >>
[{'cdn': False,
  'url': 'http://XXXXXXXXX/RHEL-7/7.4/Server/x86_64/os/'},
 {'cdn': False,
  'url': 'http://XXXXXXXXXXX/Tools_6_3_RHEL7/custom/'
 {'cdn': False,
  'url': 'http://XXXXXXXXXX/Satellite_6_3_RHEL7/custom/'
 {'cdn': False, 'url': ''}
repos_collection.need_subscription >> False

# Working with RepositoryCollection with force distro RHEL6 and force cdn
# on some repos
repos_collection = RepositoryCollection(
repos_collection.distro >> rhel6
repos_collection.repos_data >>
    {'arch': 'x86_64',
     'cdn': True,
     'product': 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server',
     'releasever': None,
     'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 for RHEL 6 Server RPMs'
                   ' x86_64',
     'repository-id': 'rhel-6-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms',
     'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Tools 6.2 (for RHEL 6 Server)
    'arch': 'x86_64',
    'cdn': True,
    'product': 'Red Hat Satellite Capsule',
    'releasever': None,
    'repository': 'Red Hat Satellite Capsule 6.2 for RHEL 6 Server RPMs '
    'repository-id': 'rhel-6-server-satellite-capsule-6.2-rpms',
    'repository-set': 'Red Hat Satellite Capsule 6.2 (for RHEL 6 Server) '
    {'cdn': False, 'url': ''}
repos_collection.need_subscription >> True
# Note: satellite capsule repo will query the server for a distro and if
# the same distro as the sat server is used will use the settings url
# (if cdn=False) else it will use the cdn one.

# Please consult the RepositoryCollection for some usage functions
# also test usage located at:
# tests/foreman/cli/

Module Contents



Base repository class for custom and RH repositories


Custom Yum repository


Custom Docker repository


Custom Puppet repository


Custom OSTree repository


Generic RH repository


RHEL repository


Satellite Tools Repository


Satellite capsule repository


Virtualization Agents repository


Generic RH repository


Red Hat Ansible Engine Repository


Repository collection


get_server_distro() → str
















robottelo.products.DOWNLOAD_POLICY_ON_DEMAND = on_demand
robottelo.products.DOWNLOAD_POLICY_IMMEDIATE = immediate
robottelo.products.DOWNLOAD_POLICY_BACKGROUND = background
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_RHEL = rhel
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_SAT_TOOLS = rhst
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_SAT_CAPSULE = rhsc
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_VIRT_AGENTS = rhva6
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_CLOUD_FORMS_TOOLS = rhct6
robottelo.products.PRODUCT_KEY_ANSIBLE_ENGINE = rhae2
robottelo.products._server_distro :str
exception robottelo.products.RepositoryAlreadyDefinedError

Bases: Exception

Raised when a repository has already a predefined key

exception robottelo.products.DistroNotSupportedError

Bases: Exception

Raised when using a non supported distro

exception robottelo.products.RepositoryDataNotFound

Bases: Exception

Raised when repository data cannot be found for a predefined distro

exception robottelo.products.OnlyOneOSRepositoryAllowed

Bases: Exception

Raised when trying to more than one OS repository to a collection

exception robottelo.products.RepositoryAlreadyCreated

Bases: Exception

Raised when a repository content is already created and trying to launch the create an other time

exception robottelo.products.ReposContentSetupWasNotPerformed

Bases: Exception

Raised when trying to setup a VM but the repositories content was not setup

class robottelo.products.BaseRepository(url=None, distro=None, content_type=None)

Base repository class for custom and RH repositories

_url :Optional[str]
_distro :Optional[str]
_type :Optional[str]
_repo_info :Optional[Dict]
property url(self)Optional[str]
property cdn(self)bool
property data(self)Dict
property distro(self)Optional[str]

Return the current distro

property content_type(self)str

Return repr(self).

property repo_info(self)Optional[Dict]
create(self: int, organization_id: int, product_id: str, download_policy: bool = DOWNLOAD_POLICY_ON_DEMAND, synchronize=True)Dict

Create the repository for the supplied product id


Synchronize the repository

add_to_content_view(self: int, organization_id: int, content_view_id)None

Associate repository content to content-view

class robottelo.products.YumRepository(url=None, distro=None, content_type=None)

Bases: BaseRepository

Custom Yum repository

_type :str
class robottelo.products.DockerRepository(url=None, distro=None, upstream_name=None)

Bases: BaseRepository

Custom Docker repository

_type :str
property upstream_name(self)
create(self, organization_id, product_id, download_policy=None, synchronize=True)

Create the repository for the supplied product id

class robottelo.products.PuppetRepository(: str, url: Optional[str] = None, distro: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, modules=None)

Bases: BaseRepository

Custom Puppet repository

_type :str
property puppet_modules(self)
add_to_content_view(self: int, organization_id: int, content_view_id)None

Associate repository content to content-view

class robottelo.products.OSTreeRepository(url=None, distro=None, content_type=None)

Bases: BaseRepository

Custom OSTree repository

class robottelo.products.GenericRHRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: BaseRepository

Generic RH repository

_distro :str
_key :str
_repo_data :Dict
_url :Optional[str]
property url(self)
property cdn(self)
property key(self)
property distro(self)

Return the current distro

_get_repo_data(self: Optional[str], distro=None)Dict

Return the repo data as registered in constant module and bound to distro.

property repo_data(self)Dict
_repo_is_distro(self: Optional[Dict], repo_data=None)bool

return whether the repo data is for an OS distro product repository

property is_distro_repository(self)bool
property distro_major_version(self)
property distro_repository(self)Optional[RHELRepository]

Return the OS distro repository object relied to this repository

Suppose we have a repository for a product that must be installed on RHEL, but for proper installation needs some dependencies packages from the OS repository. This function will return the right OS repository object for later setup.

for example:

capsule_repo = SatelliteCapsuleRepository() # the capsule_repo will represent a capsule repo for default distro rhel_repo = capsule_repo.distro_repository # the rhel repo representation object for default distro will be # returned, if not found raise exception

property rh_repository_id(self)Optional[str]
property data(self)Dict

Return repr(self).

create(self: int, organization_id: Optional[int], product_id: Optional[str] = None, download_policy: Optional[bool] = DOWNLOAD_POLICY_ON_DEMAND, synchronize=True)Dict

Create an RH repository

class robottelo.products.RHELRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

RHEL repository

property url(self)
class robottelo.products.SatelliteToolsRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

Satellite Tools Repository

property url(self)
class robottelo.products.SatelliteCapsuleRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

Satellite capsule repository

property url(self)
class robottelo.products.VirtualizationAgentsRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

Virtualization Agents repository

class robottelo.products.RHELCloudFormsTools(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

Generic RH repository

class robottelo.products.RHELAnsibleEngineRepository(distro=None, key=None, cdn=False, url=None)

Bases: GenericRHRepository

Red Hat Ansible Engine Repository

class robottelo.products.RepositoryCollection(distro=None, repositories=None)

Repository collection

_distro :str
_org :Dict
_items :List[BaseRepository] = []
_repos_info :List[Dict] = []
_custom_product_info :Dict
_os_repo :RHELRepository
_setup_content_data :Dict[str, Dict]
property distro(self)str
property repos_info(self)List[Dict]
property custom_product(self)
property os_repo(self)RHELRepository
property repos_data(self)List[Dict]
property rh_repos(self)List[BaseRepository]
property custom_repos(self)List[BaseRepository]
property rh_repos_info(self)List[Dict]
property custom_repos_info(self)List[Dict]
property setup_content_data(self)
property need_subscription(self)bool
property organization(self)
add_item(self, item)None

Add repository to collection


item (BaseRepository) – Item to add



add_items(self, items)

Add multiple repositories to collection


items (List[BaseRepository]) – Items to add



setup(self: int, org_id: str, download_policy: bool = DOWNLOAD_POLICY_ON_DEMAND, synchronize=True)Tuple[Dict, List[Dict]]

Setup the repositories on server.

Recommended usage: repository only setup, for full content setup see


setup_content_view(self: int, org_id: int, lce_id=None)Tuple[Dict, Dict]

Setup organization content view by adding all the repositories, publishing and promoting to lce if needed.

static setup_activation_key(org_id: int, content_view_id: int, lce_id: int, subscription_names: Optional[List[str]] = None)Dict

Create activation and associate content-view, lifecycle environment and subscriptions

static organization_has_manifest(organization_id)

Check if an organization has a manifest, an organization has manifest if one of it’s subscriptions have the account defined.

setup_content(self: int, org_id: int, lce_id: bool, upload_manifest: str = False, download_policy: Optional[List[str]] = DOWNLOAD_POLICY_ON_DEMAND, rh_subscriptions=None)Dict[str, Any]

Setup content view and activation key of all the repositories.

  • org_id – The organization id

  • lce_id – The lifecycle environment id

  • upload_manifest – Whether to upload the manifest (The manifest is uploaded only if needed)

  • download_policy – The repositories download policy

  • rh_subscriptions – The RH subscriptions to be added to activation key

setup_virtual_machine(self, vm, patch_os_release=False, install_katello_agent=True, enable_rh_repos=True, enable_custom_repos=False, configure_rhel_repo=False)

Setup The virtual machine basic task, eg: install katello ca, register vm host, enable rh repos and install katello-agent

  • vm (VirtualMachine) – The Virtual machine to setup.

  • patch_os_release (bool) – whether to patch the VM with os version.

  • install_katello_agent (bool) – whether to install katello-agent

  • enable_rh_repos (bool) – whether to enable RH repositories

  • enable_custom_repos (bool) – whether to enable custom repositories

  • configure_rhel_repo (bool) – Whether to configure the distro Red Hat repository, this is needed to configure manually RHEL custom repo url as sync time is very big (more than 2 hours for RHEL 7Server) and not critical for some contexts.