
Helpers to interact with hammer command line utility.

Module Contents



An unicode CSV reader which processes unicode strings and return unicode


Replace empty spaces with ‘-’ and lower all chars


Parse JSON output from Hammer CLI and convert it to python dictionary


Normalize all dict’s keys replacing empty spaces with “-” and lowering


Parse CSV output from Hammer CLI and convert it to python dictionary.


Parse the help output from a hammer command and return a dictionary

get_line_indentation_spaces(line, tab_spaces=4)

Return the number of spaces chars the line begin with

get_line_indentation_level(line, tab_spaces=4, indentation_spaces=4)

Return the indentation level


Parse the info output and returns a dict mapping the values.


An unicode CSV reader which processes unicode strings and return unicode strings data.

This is needed because the builtin module does not support unicode strings, from Python 2 docs:

Note: This version of the csv module doesn't support Unicode input.
Also, there are currently some issues regarding ASCII NUL characters.
Accordingly, all input should be UTF-8 or printable ASCII to be safe;"

On Python 3 this generator is not needed because the default string type is unicode.


output – can be any object which supports the iterator protocol and returns a unicode string each time its next() method is called.


generator that will yield a list of unicode string values.


Replace empty spaces with ‘-’ and lower all chars


Parse JSON output from Hammer CLI and convert it to python dictionary while normalizing keys.


Normalize all dict’s keys replacing empty spaces with “-” and lowering chars


Parse CSV output from Hammer CLI and convert it to python dictionary.


Parse the help output from a hammer command and return a dictionary mapping the subcommands and options accepted by that command.

robottelo.cli.hammer.get_line_indentation_spaces(line, tab_spaces=4)[source]

Return the number of spaces chars the line begin with

  • line (str) – the line string to parse

  • tab_spaces (int) – The tab char is represent how many spaces

robottelo.cli.hammer.get_line_indentation_level(line, tab_spaces=4, indentation_spaces=4)[source]

Return the indentation level

  • line (str) – the line string to parse

  • tab_spaces (int) – The tab char is represent how many spaces

  • indentation_spaces – how much spaces represent an indentation level


suppose we have the following lines:
level 0
    level 1
        level 2
assert get_line_indentation_level('level 0') == 0
assert get_line_indentation_level('    level 1') == 1
assert get_line_indentation_level('        level 2') == 2

Parse the info output and returns a dict mapping the values.